
Fictional tales from the streets of Soho

  • The Girl in the Tunnel

    The Girl in the Tunnel

    The station wasn’t supposed to be there. I’d been exploring the second basement of the building I’d just bought on Wardour Street—a crumbling relic with rubbish piled in every corner—when I found the door. It was steel, unmarked, and slightly ajar. The air beyond it was cool, metallic, and carried the faint, unsettling scent of…

  • The Girl in the Pub

    The Girl in the Pub

    When a London pub closes its doors for the last time, it soon disappears. Or does it?

  • The Girl in the Room

    The Girl in the Room

    The girl was young, alone and visibly sad, but above all, the girl was out of place. Lost?

  • Serum X & X Tabs

    Serum X & X Tabs

    The development of Serum X and X Tabs was a breakthrough for the MPC.

  • The Plan That Changed a Nation

    The Plan That Changed a Nation

    The teenage pact that led to a change in government and a new regime. This is how Laura did it.

  • The Second Directive

    The Second Directive

    The Second Directive from the office of President Laura Marx defined the grading criteria to be used for females and males in the SRB.

  • The First Directive

    The First Directive

    Revisiting one of the most pivotal documents in the nation’s founding: the 1954 High-Risk Citizens Report.

  • Annie’s Entertaining Execution

    Annie’s Entertaining Execution

    Annie’ execution was a popular spectacle enjoyed by the public and fans live on state television.

  • In Memory of Annie Nightjar

    In Memory of Annie Nightjar

    Annie Nightjar, the Radio Soho DJ executed on Red Square, London for crimes against The State.