Soho stories written by Krystina. Including information and post relating to her.
The Girl in the Tunnel
The station wasn’t supposed to be there. I’d been exploring the second basement of the building I’d just bought on Wardour Street—a crumbling relic with rubbish piled in every corner—when I found the door. It was steel, unmarked, and slightly ajar. The air beyond it was cool, metallic, and carried the faint, unsettling scent of…
The Girl in the Pub
When a London pub closes its doors for the last time, it soon disappears. Or does it?
The Girl in the Room
The girl was young, alone and visibly sad, but above all, the girl was out of place. Lost?
Soho: What’s in a Name
How did Soho get its name? Debunking the hunting myth.
The Duck Pub
At the corner of Broadwick Street and Duck Lane lies The Duck, an unassuming yet legendary establishment.
Me & My Soho
A few words about my Soho and the importance of The Duck pub
About Me, Krystina
An introduction to Krystina.